Makarova, E. (2022). Welche Werte braucht die Zukunft? Schulische Antworten auf globale Krisen. Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung Ist die Globalisierung am Ende?. FHNW. Brugg, 06. Dezember.
Makarova, E. (2022). Gender Bias in den MINT Fächern. Vortrag in der Vortragsreihe Mit Heterogenität im Klassenzimmer umgehen im Kolloquium für Lehr- und Lernforschung und Fachdidaktik. ETH Zürich. Zürich, 28. November.
Makarova, E. (2022). Gendersensible Berufsorientierung. Vortrag an der DigiTyps Konferenz Geschlechterstereotype und Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt: Chancen – Herausforderungen – Risiken. Institut für Höhere Studien – Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS). Wien. 17. November.
Makarova, E., Oeschger, T. P., & Scholz-Kuhn, R. (2022). The Formation of Children’s Values in School - First Insights from the VALISE Project. Values Seminar Series, University of Western Australia – Perth. Online. 1. November.
Makarova, E. (2022). Diskutantin am Treffen des swissuniversities Netzwerks Lehre 2/2002 zum Thema Innovation - Entwicklungen, Strategien und Herausforderungen in der Hochschullehre. FHNW. Olten. 28. Oktober.
Makarova, E. (2022). Bildungsgerechtigkeit - einem verheissenen Ziel auf der Spur. Keynote an der Kantonaltagung für Lehrpersonen, Schaffhausen, August 19.
Makarova, E. (2022). Chair of the symposium The Formation of Children's Values in Primary Schools at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER). Yerevan, online. September 1 – 10.
Makarova, E. (2022). Discussant at the Symposium Human values in kindergarten and primary school: Spotlight on an empirically unexplored field at the 26th International Congress of The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP). Online, 12th – 16th July.
Scholz-Kuhn, R., Makarova, E., Bardi, A., & Muff, N. (2022). Researching Children’s Values in Primary Schools: The Interplay between Values and Behaviour. Paper presented at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER). Yerevan, online. 2 September.
Oeschger, T., & Makarova, E. (2022, September 2). Value Priorities of Primary School Children in an Analogue and Digital Research Setting. Paper presented at the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER). Yerevan, online. 2 September.
Oeschger, T., Makarova, E., & Döring, A. K. (2022). Values in the School Curriculum from Teachers‘ Perspective: A mixed-methods Study. Paper presented at the International Congress of International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP). Online. 13 July.
Lindner, J. & Makarova, E. (2022). Gender Beliefs of Prospective Teachers in Switzerland. Paper presented at the conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, Rapperswil, 23 – 28 July 2022.
Makarova, E. (2022). Ukraine – Challenges of Nation-Building, Defending the Rights of being a Nation, and the European Response to the War in Ukraine. Open Lecture at the Webinar of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR, Japan). 27 August, online.
Makarova, E. (2022). Panelist at the Emelie Jäger Lecture Gender Equality in Science. How to achieve it? 28 April, University of Bern, Bern.
Makarova, E. (2022). Diskutantin am Podiumsgespräch Der Krieg in der Ukraine – Wirkungen und Folgen für die Schulen und Gesellschaft im Rahmen des Referatszyklus «Politische Bildung – Beitrag der Schule zur Gestaltung der Gesellschaft» an der Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz (PHSZ). 11. Mai, PHSZ, Goldau.
Makarova, E. (2022). Zahlen und Fakten der Diversität in MINT-Fächern. Vortrag zur Podiumsdiskussion “Gender-Gap in den MINT-Bereichen? Ursachen und Lösungsansätze” der «Schweizerische Studienstiftung», 4. Mai, Zürich.
Makarova, E. (2022). Ukrainian as a Cultural and National Identity. Open Lecture at the Symposium «Ukraine – Intersections of European Traditions». 9-10 March, University of Basel, Basel.
Makarova, E. (2021). Chair of the double symposium From Conventional to Online Teaching: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Experiences of University Teachers in the COVID-19 Lockdown (Part I & II) at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). Geneva, online. September 6 – 10.
Makarova, E. (2021). Hochschullehrende in einer herausfordernden Situation: Der Übergang von der konventionellen Lehre zur Online-Lehre. Inputreferat und Diskussion im Forum «Lehre in der Krise / Lehren aus der Krise − Zukunftsperspektiven einer gestärkten Hochschullehre» im Rahmen der Jahrestagung der AQ Austria. Online, 23. September 2021.
Makarova, E. (2021). Формирование ценностей детей в школе: Исследование развития ценностей среди учащихся начальной школы в Швейцарии и Великобритании [The Formation of Children’s Values in School: A Study on Value Development Among Primary School Children in Switzerland and the United Kingdom]. Open Lecture at the Webinar “Spiritual and Psychological Rehabilitation of Teachers in Eastern Ukraine”. 25 June, online.
Makarova, E. (2021). Discussant at the Symposium Measurement of acculturation of immigrant students in the German-speaking context at the 25th International Congress of The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP). Online, 27th – 31st July.
Makarova, E. (2021). Discussant at the Symposium School engagement and school dropout of immigrants in different educational contexts at the 25th International Congress of The International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP). Online, 27th – 31st July.
Makarova, E. (2021). Acculturation process and its meaning for social relationships in school. Keynote at the Joint Focal Meeting of InZentIM and COST. Online, February 18.
Makarova, E. (2021). The image of math and science among secondary school students and their career aspirations in STEM. Invited talk at the Women in Tech Summit organized by Ubisoft Winnipeg and the University of Winnipeg. Online, February 11.